It's when you look for opportunities to help others.
It can be anything from making dinner for your elderly neighbor, taking the kids so the frazzled mamma can get an afternoon to herself, to volunteering at your local shelter.
The sky is the limit.
I am so thankful for Erin jumping right in to find something that can be done for this family.
She is talking about it and what you can do to help over at her blog.
One thing that is needed is monetary help for the family.
Erin set up a donation widget for those of you who want to help out the family.
Here is what she said about it:
"Monetary Donations.
I realize that no amount of money is going to heal Isaac and his family's heartache right now.
But it can help alleviate the stresses of every day life.
All I am asking from you is a $5 donation.
I wanted to ask for $1, but this widget doesn't allow $1. Smart widget I suppose.
Listen up--thousands of you show up to this blog daily (why I am not sure, but today I am extremely grateful).
If those of you who can afford $5 today are willing to give....we can
make a HUGE dent in their financial needs. Here is how the money will be
broken down:
The first part of the money will go towards gifts for Isaac and his two siblings. You all made it pretty clear that you want to make sure this Christmas knocks all of the others out of the water.
We want to make sure it does as well. The second way the money will be spent is on gas gift cards. Traveling to and from the hospital can get dang expensive and we don't want them to have to worry about it.
The third portion of the funds will be used to have food catered in from local restaurants.
Good, quality, nourishing, hot meals. At their doorstop.
Donating is simple by using this little tool below.
You can also click on "add to site" and you will be able to add it to your blog if you so desire.
The more people spreading the word...the more blessings we can give"
So I am setting up the donation widget here on my site also.
If you feel lead to donate, please do.
I ask that you please pray for this family.
And all the families who are heartbroken in the wake of this disease.
Let's flood the throne room of Heaven for little Isaac.
Let's also show his family the love of Christ in the terrible time.
It is my absolute most favorite time of the year.
I love the decorating, the baking, the traditions.
The chaos.
With our brood there is always a fair amount of pandemonium this time of year.
But I love it.
Remind me of that in a couple of weeks, ok?
Our family always waits until after Thanksgiving
to get busy with the Christmas decorating
and shopping and holiday music.
And since Thanksgiving is now over, we can get to the good stuff.
Oh, wait. Thanksgiving had the good stuff.
Banana pudding.
That was my husbands choice for a Thanksgiving dessert.
It didn't even last the day.
I barely got any.
I think I will make another one and hide it away.
With Thanksgiving behind us, we decided to go ahead
and get the house decorated for Christmas this weekend.
Everyone voted on the color scheme for the tree.
Trina was the loser, she was the only one who voted for blue and gold.
The rest of us voted for red, blue, and silver.
Better luck next time, kid!
While the kids were busy hanging ornaments on the tree
and Jerry was hanging the lights outside,
I decorated the rest of the house.
It's our family tradition to let the kids take turns putting the star on the tree.
Trina was very happy that it was her year to do it.
I cannot believe she is tall enough to stand barefoot and reach the top.
Stop growing, child!
The kids finished it off with the candy canes.
I better get mine now before they are all gone.
Which will be within 2 days, I am betting.
Jerry finished up with the lights after dark, so it made for some pretty good pictures.
How about you?
Do you already have your Christmas decorations up?
What are your families traditions?
Do share, I love all things Christmas!
That means time with family, worship at church, and no chores.
Yes, definitely my favorite day of the week.
It is also when I get to do the Scavenger Hunt.
Ashley picked my prompts this week and I knew exactly what to photograph.
So, here we go...
Do you ever notice how many people had visions in the Bible.
Look it up, it is a lot.
I wish God talked to us like that more often these days.
Daddy isn't going to be able to do this much longer.
Pretty soon, the boys are going to be as tall and strong as he is.
I knew exactly what I was going to use for this prompt.
I have collected a lot of buttons from thrift stores and such.
I think they are so pretty and unique.
Our current duty station in Ft Bliss.
Soon, though, we will be across the state in greener pastures.
Favorite Fruit
There is nothing in the world better than strawberries,
except chocolate covered strawberries.
Next week:
Home or Thankful In the Kitchen Couple Bubbles Trees
I said yesterday life is going too fast these days.
Today, I feel that even more.
I lost a very close friend to cancer yeaterday.
It renewed my resolve to slow down, to enjoy every moment I have with my family.
Steve was a soldier and his wife was a fellow Army wife and close friend.
So, I dedicate today's letter to him.
Dear Steve,
You were such an example of humor, grace, and servanthood.
I cannot wait to see you again when I get to Heaven.
Keep the gates open for us.
Dear Veteran's Day,
I loved the parade. Especially all the kids and teenagers participating.
It gives me hope for our future.
Dear James,
I am so proud of you for honoring our country.
Dear USA,
I am so blessed to live here.
To have the freedoms for which brave men and women have fought and died.