Friday, December 14, 2012

Friday Letters

Dear Personal Christmas Tree,

I love that I now have my very own, small tree
for my collection of vintage ornaments.
And if my children touch you, there will be blood.

Dear Packing,
I know, I know. I have less than a month to get you done.
I suppose I should start soon....

Dear AMC,
I never thought it would happen.
I have never liked zombie shows.
To be fair, this is much more than zombies.
I am addicted.

Dear School Christmas Programs,
Thank you for the opportunity for cute pictures of the kids.



  1. Love the tree, and the cute kids!
    Have a good weekend!

  2. love the school program pics...and walking dead is my fave!!

    :) happy weekend to you, verna.
    and p.s. you won! email me asap to claim your goodies xo
    wifeysinger at gmail
