An unexpected, very welcome surprise.
While we have been accomplishing a lot on the house,
a break was definitely in order.
We went to the Dairy-ette in Dallas.
Supposedly the best burgers and fries in the Metroplex.
Great burgers, not so great fries.
After our burgers we walked it off at the lake at sunset.
And play in the trees.
Somehow, my best friend brings out my inner child.
We found an In N Out Burger and decided to undue our walk to undue the first burger.
I love the photobombers in the back.
And if the burgers weren't enough,
we topped off the night with Cheesecake Factory.
If you are gonna splurge, I say make it worth it.
I had never been before.
I highly recommend it.
I love having a friend that will surprise me
and help me even when I don't know I need it.